
It Support Atlanta Video


Cyber security is becoming more and more important everyday. In the old days, you could just run some free antivirus software and things would be secure. These days, things have changed. With ransomware attacks, CEO fraud and other standard phishing attacks are on the rise. Traditional antivirus virus software cannot protect you from the modern-day cyber threats. In order to provide a baseline set of security standards, we implement a multi-layered approach. This includes everything from next generation security software, to email filtering and monitoring, deep packet inspection to hardware and software firewalls. We also implement an employee security awareness training program that will ensure that employees understand what to watch out for in case of a cyberattack. This proactive service includes maintenance, monitoring, and patching of the systems. The service stabilizes the network and the machines to a point where many support requests are eliminated from the get-go. Along with this service, we provide a discounted rate for all helpdesk requests.

Complete Managed Service

Companies that are serious about their IT infrastructure want to use a fully managed services plan. This allows us to take full responsibility for your network. During the implementation we do a complete audit of the network and all devices and configurations. After this discovery phase is completed, we evaluate what best practices should be implemented in order to ensure the stability, efficiency and uptime, we will also recommend any additional software or hardware that is needed. In some cases we will actually remove any extraneous pieces of software or hardware that are over complicating your network. This plan includes everything from the protect managed service, but it also includes unlimited remote and on-site support requests. Companies love the fact that they do not have to pay for implementation for their first month when they sign up. They also have the option to replace any of their old desktop computers for only $1. Yes that’s right, $1. These computers have current modern specs with a high performance level to get your systems running at an optimal level very quickly. With this service, you also receive a dedicated account manager who will oversee your account, perform quarterly business review meetings with you to keep you up to speed with what your current service offers and define your IT roadmap technology plans and objectives. This plan guarantees maximum uptime, inventory tracking, warranty tracking, password management, and network / device documentation. There is never an additional cost when you hire a new employee, even if an employee moves from one office to the other one down the hall. This is included in support coverage for that employee. There is no extra cost to onboard a new employee. All of our existing clients have moved to the complete managed service and they all love it! They enjoy having the ability to budget for the future because their monthly bill is always the same price per user.

CIO Managed Service

The CIO Managed Service is our top-tier, premium service. It replicates the function of having a full-time CIO executive as a full-time employee. This service involves having everything that is included in the protect managed service as well as the complete managed service. In addition, you will receive a fully managed compliance consulting, mobile device management, phone system management, vendor management, and IT training via lunch and learn meetings. Technology budgeting is one of the key benefits that the service offers. You won’t have to worry anymore about hiring technical IT staff as we will handle that for you. We will also attend any C-level meetings that you have so that technology is always at the forefront of your company’s decision-making and planning. This service also includes telecommunications implementation and support.

Help Desk Support

When you run into an issue, you need a quick resolution to allow you to get back to work being profitable. We provide a full-time help desk which is run by a team of highly skilled network engineers to resolve your issue. There are many ways to submit a help desk request. You can send us an email, call in to speak with someone or login to our employee portal and enter the request. Many times the fastest way to have the issue resolved is to allow us to remote into your desktop of your computer so that we can see what you see and we can talk through the issue. Since we don’t have to spend time driving to your location, we will resolve the issue as fast as humanly or inhumanly possible. We can refer to the system logs in order to verify  that your issue is not simply just the symptom of a greater problem. If it is a greater problem, we will investigate and resolve it so that the symptoms do not continue any longer. If needed, we are happy to come on-site to your location and resolve your issue. This also allows us to look around your office to verify that nothing else needs to be addressed. We always follow up with you to verify that the issue is resolved before we close the support request. The help desk support is available to all of our clients and all requests are prepaid and unlimited with the complete managed service. You’re completely covered!

Tiii Pimp
Tiii Pimp
October 25, 2023.
Zach was great help
Tamia Tucker
Tamia Tucker
October 25, 2023.
After missing a call from this company, I called back & spoke to Zach Brinkley who helped me no problem, very nice young man & jumped right onto what I needed! Very good customer service! Thank you!
Natara Williams
Natara Williams
October 13, 2023.
Zach was very calm and informative I did not have to ask any question the exchange was complete and professional.
Heather Carter
Heather Carter
October 13, 2023.
Zack was very friendly and helpful. He help fix my printer on the first try. Very greatful. Thank you
Christie G.
Christie G.
October 13, 2023.
Responded quickly. Was friendly and helpful and the issue was resolved promptly.
Tiya Tukes
Tiya Tukes
October 11, 2023.
Today, my teen had some issues with her schools live learning platform "Class." I reached out to SCA and spoke with Henry, ticket #499835. Henry was wonderful. While we were not able to figure out what was going on (because it is something on the schools end), Henry thought of everything it could possibly be and then some. He walked me through every step. He was professional, kind, courteous, and efficient. Thank-you so much Henry for your professionalism.
Brad Smith
Brad Smith
October 10, 2023.
Engineer Bryant was great. Unbelievably patient working with me through my email problem. He had me back up and running quickly.
Natasha Davidson
Natasha Davidson
September 29, 2023.
The representative Sean was very helpful and knowledgeable about what was wrong with the hotspot device I was having connection problems with it.
Audrey Sharpe
Audrey Sharpe
September 26, 2023.
Excellent job assisting and persistent. Thank you!

SINCE 1995.

Over the years, we have forged many long-term relationships with clients in the metro-Atlanta area who started out small and have grown in size. Our services are perfect for this scenario as they scale along with your budget and needs.